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Troian la Campionatul European de fotbal/ European football Championship meets...Trojan


Este bine stiut ca mi-am propus sa fiu anti -spam analist, sau antivirus tester, sau in fine orice altceva care sa le taie craca de sub picioare celor care vor sa faca rau userului obisnuit, prin intermediul internetului.
Era cat pe ce sa imi schimb aceasta parere atunci cand a ajuns la urechile mele o stire oarecum neobisnuita, care face din "your average hacker" o persoana cat se poate de interesanta, cu o imaginatie bogata.

Asa cum s-a intamplat si in cazul Cupei Mondiale, biletele pentru Campionatul European de fotbal sunt mai cautate decat painea calda. Prevazator si econom, omul de rand care vrea sa fie parte a euforiei fotbalistice de anul acesta, dribleaza cu foarte mare atentie bisnitarii, si de duce pe un site international, cu n sisteme de securitate, pentru a cumpara biletele de acolo, la pretul corect.

Numai ca cei care s-au hotarat sa faca asa si au procurat bilete de pe www.euroticketshop.com au fost infectati fara sa banuiasca ceva...
Este deschis un script cu denumirea "buy_ticket.aspx" iar in acel moment ruleaza un cod JavaScript. Troianul "TR/Dldr.Small.hzj" este astfel instalat in computerul utilizatorului.

Eu care sunt si asa o "foarte mare admiratoare" a acestui sport, am primit stirea cu bucurie, si dupa ce am verificat veridicitatea informatiei, nu am putut decat sa...rad.


European football Championship meets Trojan

It's well known that I want to become an anti-spam analyst, or maybe antivirus tester, or finally whatever will cut off the nose of those who want to harm the average computer user, throughout the Internet.
I was about to quit this decision when a slightly unusual news came to my ears, transforming my image of "your usual hacker" into a very imaginative and interesting person.

As it happened in the event of the World Cup, the tickets for the European football Championship are more wanted than anything else. Alert and economical, the average football lover wanting to be part of this year's euforia, rolls-out the scalpers, and goes to an international site, with endless security systems, to buy the tickets at a fair price.

The problem intervened when some persons buying tickets from www.euroticketshop.com were infected without even suspecting it.
A script called "buy_ticket.aspx" was opened and in that instant a JavaScript circulated. This way, the "TR/Dldr.Small.hzj" Trojan was installed in the victim's computer.

I already am a "great fan" of this sport, so I got the news with pleasure, and after I checked the authenticity of the information, all that I could do was ...laugh.